EU Warns Elon Musk to Behave Ahead of His Donald Trump Interview and Musk Is Not Having It

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The EU demonstrated how despotic and authoritarian it was again, but this time, it made the mistake of trying to flex its muscles on Elon Musk, a man with all the tolerance for authoritarianism of a founding father in 1776. 

It all started when European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services, Thierry Breton, posted an open letter on X, effectively telling Musk that the EU will be watching his upcoming interview with Donald Trump and that there had better not be any hate speech or insinuation of violence or else the EU will have to take action against Musk. Breton said that many people within the EU will be watching this interview, and as such, Musk has a responsibility to not say or do anything that might give Europeans the idea that hate and violence are okay. 

Breton threatened to use “our full toolbox, including by adopting interim measures, should it be warranted to protect EU citizens from harm” should his Trump interview produce “any negative effect of illegal content.”

This comes off the idea that Trump truly did encourage January 6, and that his rhetoric has been dangerous, encouraging hate groups everywhere to become more active. This is, of course, nonsense. Trump did not encourage the riots, and any rhetoric he put forth pales in comparison to what the left has both said and done. 

It’s a very left-wing elite point of view that collapses under scrutiny, but at this point, it’s pretty clear that this bias stems from the fact that Trump represents everything the globalists of the EU hate. Naturally, their actions are going to be fully weighted against Trump while they give actual wrongdoers a pass.

But they sent that letter to the wrong guy.

Musk’s response was very Muskian, as it should be because this situation calls for a real 1776 comeback to such a 1984 demand. 

“To be honest, I really wanted to respond with this Tropic Thunder meme, but I would NEVER do something so rude & irresponsible!” said Musk… who proceeded to tweet the Tom Cruise-laden Tropic Thunder meme. 

Some of you know exactly what he posted without me telling you, but just in case, here’s your language warning. (Editor’s Note: We understand that our readers don’t appreciate gratuitous cursing/profanity, and we don’t either, but in this circumstance, we felt it necessary to share the original.)

Truth be told, this is the only proper response you could give to the EU, a despotic organization that seems to believe that the elites at the top should infantilize everyone below them because they somehow believe they know better. 

So we get another epic moment courtesy of a European power trying to enforce nonsense on an American. It’s these moments that make being an American just the best. 

It’s likely there will be nothing in the interview that could be interpreted as promoting violence or hate, but you know how the machine works at this point. They’ll take nothing and turn it into something to get a political foothold in any way they can. 

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