Dems Are Desperate to Praise Biden but What They're Latching on to Now Is Truly Hilarious

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We reported on how Joe Biden is in California doing a bunch of campaign events, trying to hype his flagging effort. 

He was at the Culver City Library on Wednesday speaking to a tiny crowd about student debt forgiveness, what looks like a vote-buying effort, as well as an end run around the Supreme Court and Congress. He couldn’t draw people, even with many of those people being public officials. Why speak in a library rather than on a college campus, for example? He was likely afraid he would be besieged by anti-Israel activists and that wouldn’t convey the picture they want to project. 

READ MORE: Joe Biden Has to Be Saved by Yet Another Handler and Staffers When He Gets Confused in Culver City

Virtually all the comments on X on Biden’s student debt scheme have been panning it. They regarded Biden’s actions as illegal/improper distribution of wealth from taxpayers to others in order to help Joe Biden’s election campaign. 

However, his approval is still in the basement, so it isn’t working. 

Just how desperate are his supporters to find things for which to praise Biden? 

You wouldn’t believe how low their bar is — they’re praising him for knowing how to use the button on the iPhone to reverse the camera so you can take a selfie. Not a joke. 

He went to a CJ’s Cafe, a soul food and Mexican restaurant. 

What they don’t get is that people are surprised probably because they didn’t think he would know because of how old he is. They don’t imagine he knows things like that, even though they are basic by today’s standards. That’s not exactly a ringing endorsement of how people perceive him. 

READ MORE: Stunning Majority of Americans Say Biden’s Too Old to Serve Second Term: Post-Hur Survey

After “last guy” the “bar’s on the floor,” Biden supposedly said.  

I think the last guy knew about the selfie button. Plus, the last guy had a good economy, tax cuts, no inflation, and no new wars. Biden can’t even come close to that bar. So naturally they have to talk about selfie buttons rather than all the chaos that Biden has brought us. As recent polling showed, about 86 percent of people questioned his mental capacity to even do the job. 

That Democrats/Biden sycophants/media were spreading this story about the selfie as though this is some great feat is truly funny. 

Here’s MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell. 

Biden, without question. But it’s the incoherence — not the age —  that’s the problem. 

Then there’s Bloomberg columnist Matt Yglesias. 

Biden being Biden is part of the problem, because he’s been a gaffe machine all his life, and now you add the constant confusion to it as well as things like talking to dead people.  

No wonder Democrats have to talk about things like selfies. They have nothing else, except perhaps the media who is always willing to tote water for them. 

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