Fun Facts About Tigers for Kids to Print and Learn

You will love printing and learning about tigers with our tiger fun facts pages. Our tiger facts printables include two fact pages filled with facts about tigers, perfect for kids of all ages. Our printable fun facts pdf includes two pages filled with tiger pictures and facts about tigers that kids of all ages will enjoy at home or in the classroom.

Print these fun facts about tigers.

Free Printable Tiger Facts For Kids

Today we are celebrating the biggest cat in the world – tigers! Bengal tiger, Sumatran tigers, white tigers – here at Kids Activities Blog, we love all big cats. That’s why we created these tiger facts pages, to learn more about them in a fun way. Click the button to download and print the tiger fun facts sheets now:

Related: Fun facts for kids

For example, did you know that tiger cubs are born blind? Or that some species are being threatened, and even endangered, by habitat loss? And that there are around 5,000 captive tigers just in the U.S. alone?

Fun Tiger Facts To Share With Your Friends

Tigers facts printed pdf file page one shown in black and white with 5 interesting facts for kids about tigers
This is the first printable page in our tiger set.
  1. Tigers are the largest wild cats in the world. 
  2. They can reach up to 11ft long and weigh 670lbs!
  3. Tigers are one of the “big cats”, along with lions, cheetahs, jaguars, and cougars.
  4. They are known for having a red-orange coat with dark stripes.
  5. A wild tiger can live up to 10 years.
Tiger facts printed pdf file page two shown in black and white with 5 interesting facts for kids about tigers
This is the second printable page in our tiger set.
  1. Tigers usually hunt alone, especially prey like deer and antelopes.
  2. The most common tiger is the Bengal tiger, and they are half of all wild tigers.
  3. Tigers, unlike most felines, enjoy water and are good swimmers.
  4. Tigers and domestic cats share 95.6% of DNA.
  5. Tigers mark their territory by scratching the nearby trees and using urine to leave their scent around.

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Download the Fun Facts About Tiger PDF File Here

Tiger facts printable pages shown on wood background with colorful accessories- kids activities blog
Did you know these cool facts about tigers?



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