Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Turner: 'We're at the 'Highest Level of a Possible Terrorist Threat'

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House Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Turner (R-OH) delivered a stark warning to the country Sunday as he appeared on CBS’ “Face the Nation” and told host Margaret Brennan that terror threats against America are “no longer speculative” and no “longer hypothetical.”

He lays the blame squarely at the feet of the Biden administration.

“But what’s important about these reports and what we’re seeing, especially in conjunction with Director [Christopher] Wray’s public statements, that we are at the highest level of a possible terrorist threat, that the administration’s policies have absolutely directly related to threats to Americans,” Turner said.

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The problem starts at the border, which has been a sieve under Joe Biden, the president who dismantled Trump’s policies on day one of his tenure and has made little or no effort since to try to hold back the human tsunami of illegal border crossers and yes, possible terrorists.

Turner continued, noting that there are very possibly active plots in our midst right now:

“We have actual administration officials stepping forward, and certainly our committee and our committee members have concurred on the intelligence that we’re seeing. That as a result of the administration’s policies allowing people to cross the border unvetted, we have terrorists that are actively working … inside the United States that are a threat to Americans,” he added.

As Turner noted, FBI Director Christopher Wray has repeatedly been sounding the alarm in congressional testimony, admitting that there are numerous active cells operating within our Homeland.

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Turner demanded that the administration declassify information so that Congress can understand just what they’re dealing with:

 … what this administration needs to be held to, is that they need to declassify the information of the terrorist threats that they’re seeing so that there can be a public discourse concerning what the administration’s risk and threats are. You know, this was notable and expected as a result of the Biden administration’s policy, have an open southern border, and we are seeing it absolutely across the country. The- and my- my committee has been open, my members have been open and publicly discussing this threat and pointing the finger directly at the administration’s policies.

It’s a dangerous game that Biden has been playing by allowing our border to become more of an idea than a reality. Millions and millions of people have poured in—including a large number of solo military-aged men—and we have no idea who many of them are. I pray that innocent Americans don’t pay the price, but if there is an attack, we’ll know exactly who to blame.

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