Major Democrat Donor Wants 'Future President Harris' to Fire FTC Chief Lina Khan

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Nothing brings a smile to my face like the left eating its own, especially when it’s someone who absolutely deserves it. Someone like Federal Trade Commission chairwoman Lina Khan.

The FTC notably goes after businesses and business deals that threaten to create a monopoly (or what the FTC perceives as close enough to one). In reality, they exist to stifle the growth of large corporations. The FTC, under Khan, has taken this mission and turned it into a battle mantra, fighting (and losing) several battles in court over potential mergers.

Khan has had some real doozies in her time at the FTC. A disciple of big government, anti-capitalist progressivism, she has waged war against Amazon, Microsoft, non-compete agreements, and McDonald’s ice cream machines.


FTC Chair Lina Khan Kicks off the Next Phase in Her Vendetta Against Amazon, Files Antitrust Suit

Lina Khan’s FTC Has Identified the Real Enemy, and It Is McDonald’s Broken Ice Cream Machines

But while Republicans have been itching to get rid of Khan for her overzealous and anti-business tenure at the FTC, a new voice of opposition to Khan has emerged – Democrat mega-donor and LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman.

Hoffman, who has donated $7 million to the leading pro-Biden and Harris super PAC, told CNN he’s “redoubling” efforts to support the campaign and has “great hope” that Harris will become the United States’ first woman president.

But the billionaire argued that if Harris wins in November, she should install a new antitrust cop in place of Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina Khan.

“Lina Khan is…a person who is not helping America,” Hoffman told CNN in his first on-camera interview since President Joe Biden stepped aside as the presumptive Democratic nominee. “I would hope that Vice President Harris would replace her.”

Hoffman, who sits on the board of Microsoft, a company that has clashed with the FTC, said Khan is operating “outside the scope” of her job at the FTC.

“Antitrust is fine…Waging war is not,” said Hoffman.

I am once again reminded of one of the greatest articles ever written at the parody site ClickHole: 

Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point

The tragedy occurred just a few moments ago during a debate about politics occurring among your coworkers. Out of nowhere, the most loathsome person you’ve ever met in your whole life chimed into the argument with a completely valid and irrefutable point. Every attempt to formulate a rebuttal to just the most insufferable asshole on the planet failed miserably because, for the first time ever, that piece of shit’s logic was entirely unassailable.

This is the kind of horrific event you always assume only happens to other people, but never to you.

The good news is that this kind of rhetoric from Hoffman is leading to a war of words between him and socialist Bernie Sanders, who blasted Hoffman’s “arrogance” and said, “Billionaires should not be telling candidates who to be keeping on or not.” 

The comments from Sanders came in a phone interview with CNN.

“This concerns me because Lina Khan is doing a great job and I would hope and expect that the VP, if she wins, keeps her on,” he told the news outlet.

I, for one, hope to see more of this.

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