'Not George Washington': DeSantis Nukes Absurd Dem Narrative of 'Selfless' Biden Withdrawing From Race

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Perhaps because they feel guilty and want to make themselves feel better, or perhaps out of whatever remaining loyalty they have to Joe Biden (if any), the Democrat talking points about him withdrawing from the presidential race have gone from comical to obscenely absurd.

From former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), considered to be a key figure in knifing Biden in the back, to Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) and members of the Biden administration, the word has gone out that describing Biden as “selfless” and bizarrely comparing him to America’s first president, George Washington, is how this whole sordid saga needs to be portrayed. 

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Here’s some of what they’ve said:

Biden is “going to go down in history as one of the best presidents America has ever had,” House Democratic Caucus vice chair Ted Lieu told reporters Tuesday – representing a sharp turn against party rhetoric against the president just days earlier.

“His selfless act this weekend reminds me of what George Washington did when he voluntarily gave up reelection and put country first,” the California rep went on.

House Democratic Caucus chair Pete Aguilar argued in the presser that “future generations, men and women, will remember that Joseph Robinette Biden served as the beacon of hope throughout the world to ensure that we put patriotism first.”

Except… no, as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis explained during a Fox News segment where he correctly noted that Biden was forced out by the corporate media, Democrat megadonors, and top leaders in his own party:

“This notion that the media is trying to peddle that [Biden] is like George Washington refusing power for the good of the country—he had no choice! They were knifing him in the back! The New York Times was going after him, the big donors were going after him… [L]ook with Democrats; the corporate media is a huge part of their party. When you lose the media, you are really a dead candidate walking. He had no other choice. This is not George Washington.”


DeSantis’ remarks echo what other top Republicans have also said about the Democrat behind-the-scenes machinations to force Biden out of the race, which some have either strongly insinuated or outright declared was essentially a palace coup.

Presumably, the George Washington comparison is being made in order to preserve Biden’s legacy or whatever, which if true would dovetail with reports that a sticking point for First Lady Jill Biden on the drop out question is that she didn’t want the “defining image” of Biden’s presidency being his disastrous debate performance against Donald Trump.

The problem for her, though, is that far worse defining images have emerged since then of Joe Biden, most notably the ones showing how frail and generally unwell he’s looked in the few video clips we’ve seen of him since that debate. 

So in attempting to keep Biden’s supposedly “patriotic” political legacy in good standing with Demcorat voters, Jill Biden has actually compounded the problem, which is rather fitting considering her extensive Edith Wilson-like role in propping him up as mentally sharp and ready to lead when she of all people had to know otherwise.

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