WATCH: Watters Mocks Kamala With Funny Side-by-Side Comparison of How Limited She Is


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Joe Biden has displayed a serious problem of incoherence and cognitive decline, even as Democrats were trying to convince us he was as “sharp as a tack” — and even that he should be on “Mount Rushmore.” 

They’re running a similar game with Kamala Harris. While she may not have exactly the same issues, she clearly has a coherence problem and a problem answering questions. That’s why she’s been avoiding the media and failing to answer when pressed about the scandals surrounding her VP choice, Tim Walz. That’s why she’s putting off any interviews. She’s hoping to coast off the media hype around the announcement of her getting into the race as long as she can. She apparently thinks she doesn’t need to answer any questions as long as she’s getting good press from the mainstream media without it. Translation? She knows once she starts talking, then people are going to see the problem and start paying attention to her bad positions. 

Harris doesn’t even have any policy on her website. So, she truly is the stealth candidate. She wants to run just on media hype, apparently. 

She may be fooling herself into thinking that translates to real votes. But that’s what Democrats do — they hide their nominees and all their problems. They think they can fool the American public. 

READ MORE: Reporters Finally Corner Harris for Questions, but She Once Again Illustrates Trump’s Point

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On top of all that, just like Biden, she’s living off the teleprompter when speaking at events. Beyond that, it looks like she’s also plagiarizing herself and largely giving the same speech over and over. That’s how truly limited she is. Check out this segment from Fox’s Jesse Watters as they compare two different events, and she says the exact same thing. He noted they’re treating Kamala like she’s “vulnerable and needs protection, because she does. She’s on a tight leash,” he said, saying they made her read the same speech twice in a row. 

As  Watters notes, she’s not only “plagiarizing” herself but also former President Donald Trump’s “fight” line. I thought that saying “fight” was supposed to be “insurrection-y” and violent? 

She’s trying to sell that she would do something better for the American people, but then why isn’t she already doing it since she has power now? What has she achieved? She’s just completely vacuous. 


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